Is Candle Magick Against My Religion?
MAGICK IS NOT AGAINST ANY RELIGION. IT is PART OF every religion. Every religion has its magic, using tools of candles, oils, incense, and prayer. For example, I would guess that Henri Gamache who wrote The Master Book of Candle Burning would be soundly upset if you even vaguely asserted that he was writing about witchcraft. His magic uses candles, astrology, prayers, and Bible scriptures. He states specifically that matters of the occult, voodoo, and black magic are of no part of his work. We assume witchcraft would be lumped into the "occult". In addition, The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy is an extremely Christian work, complete with Christian prayers and discussions of the Bible. Kraig's Modern Magic is based on Judaism and the Qabalah. The Golden Dawn and other adherents to ceremonial magic also merge much of the Qabalistic principles into their work.